7 Days To Balanced Chakras- Day 5 The Heart Chakra

heart-chakraThe heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, and governs our emotions, just as one might think.  Have you ever felt a literal heartache?  Have you ever felt a squeezing sensation in your chest when you are nervous, worried, or excited?  That is because the heart center is a powerful hub for emotions, much more so than the brain.

When the heart chakra is blocked or under-active, we can experience this in many ways.  We might have difficulty expressing love to others, or we may even feel unworthy of love in general.  We may also have a hard time with forgiveness, for when the heart chakra is truly open and balanced, forgiveness flows effortlessly.  A blocked or closed heart chakra can also lead to feelings of jealousy, hatred, anger resentment, and unworthiness.

Because the heart chakra is the bridge between the upper and lower chakras, balance is the key to strive for.  The heart is the seat of the soul, and must flow openly and easily with the other chakras for a complete state of balance.

Crystals for the heart chakra:

Rose Quartz for gentle heart chakra healing and comfort


Green Adventurine will gently expand the heart chakra


Rhodonite is helpful when there has been a traumatic experience that needs to be healed


Malachite brings rapid healing by forcing emotions to the forefront.


Most of these can be carried in your pocket throughout the day, but malachite is usually recommended in small doses (15 to 20 minutes at a time).

A wonderful heart chakra healing meditation can be done in a crystal bath.  This is an ideal way to begin caring for yourself and your heart chakra.  Rose quartz and green aventurine are both water safe, and can be added to your bath along with some rose or jasmine essential oil.  Add a guided meditation for supreme relaxation and self-care.

Heart chakra affirmation that you can repeat to yourself throughout the day:
